Saturday, October 3, 2020

Studio series Blitzwing: Machine Gun Emplacement Mode

 Ever since it was announced that Blitzwing was the amazing jet character in the Bumblebee movie, I had been hoping that the eventual toy would offer the possibility of being able to transform into a third mode. 

When the first reviews of Studio series Blitzwing came out and I noticed the semi-cockpit from the robot mode storing under the plane mode's belly and how the gun could be placed on either side, I knew this offered up some possibilities  for at least a Cybertronian tank mode. 

Now that he's finally in hand I am delighted to present the Cybertronian machine gun emplacement mode!

This mode is actually pretty awesome if you ask me. His tail fins double as armor that protects the gun mechanism and as tripods which keep the gun up. There is a nifty cockpit for any Micronians (don't ask who they are...I don't know!) To sit in and fire this weapon. The rear portion is there for balance, the jet wings are handily foldable and don't spoil the look at all. This really does look like a weapon of war from Cybertron. 

While it's not a tank, it's does give Blitzwing a third mode and any self-respecting triple changer should have one. It kind of makes sense, too, that he wouldn't give up all of his alternate modes to adopt an Earth disguise. One Earth disguise is enough. 

As for the robot mode, if you ask me it is loosely based off of the SV-51 piloted by Ivanov in Macross Zero. 

The design is very appealing and Takara/Hasbro were able to take its basic elements and beef it up a bit to fit the concept in the Transformers universe. 

I didn't notice anyone else try to come up with a third mode. I am not sure why? Perhaps people were mesmerized by his appearance as Starscream? Who knows. In any case there you have it. Triple changer Blitzwing. 


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